The registration cost is $462 per student-athlete. Institutions or students are also responsible for covering the cost of travel to and from Charlotte, as well as a 3-night stay at the AC Marriott Hotel at $188 per student-athlete.
Student-athletes will be placed in a double occupancy room with another student-athlete.
As a part of the registration cost, ground transportation for athletes will be provided to and from the airport and the Marriott on Wednesday, June 4th from 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM and on June 7th from 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM. Guests arriving outside of these time blocks on June 4th and June 7th will be responsible for their own transportation.
Total cost per athlete $650
not including flight.
The registration cost is $300 per administrator. Institutions that send 10 or more athletes will have the registration fees waived for up to three administrators.
There is a group rate reserved for administration at the AC Marriott, 3-night stay $537 before taxes.
Any student-athlete registered and paid for by an institution will be granted attendance at AthleteCon on a space-available basis. Spaces will be allocated in the order that registration applications are received until event capacity is reached. A student-athlete’s spot is not guaranteed unless their institution has paid on their behalf.
There will be some student-athletes who attend AthleteCon that have been sponsored by brands.
Yes, a student-athlete may submit a registration application themselves to attend AthleteCon. Student athletes who are accepted will be responsible for their registration, hotel, and travel costs to AthleteCon unless sponsored by a brand or institution.
Yes, a student-athlete may find other sources of payment to pay for registration and travel costs of attending AthleteCon.
All institutional student athlete and administrator registrations are transferable if paid in full but not refundable.
Universities may book flights for any student athlete(s) and administrators through their preferred means. AthleteCon will invoice universities for lodging and registration costs for athletes. Universities will be able to book their rooms through an AthleteCon group rate link, and registration tickets for administration can be purchased on the AthleteCon website, a reminder if administration sends 10+ athletes, their $300 registration fee is waived.